SCH Number 1997071087

Project Info

Santa Ana River Mainstem Project Prado Dam Spillway Modification Project
The project is proposing to build an embankment connector to provide a raised connection between the Prado Dam, Prado Spillway and the Auxiliary Dike. However, the project design has been updated from the previously authorized project described in the 2001 SEIS/EIR Prado Basin and Vicinity. The updated project is proposing to demolish the existing spillway ogee weir and spillway chute and construct a new labyrinth weir, a modified chute and chute walls and a modified flip bucket. The new design will be at a height of minimum 563 feet NVD 29 to provide capacity for higher flood waters and reduce risk of damn failure and flooding down stream.
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23 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
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United States Army, Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Santa Ana River Mainstem Project Prado Dam Spillway Modification Project
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United States Army, Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Prado Basin Perimeter Dikes: Corona Sewage Treatment & Housing Tract Dikes
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