Tuesday, October 18, 2016
- Received Date
- 2016-10-18
- Edit Search
40 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2013032008 | NOD | City of Arcata | Arcata Coastal Rail with Trail Connectivity: Humboldt Bay Trail North Construction | |
2016101045 | MND | City of Bakersfield | General Plan Amendment/Zone Change No. 16-0128 | |
2016102043 | NOP | Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) | Regulation 11-18: Reducing Air Toxic Risk and Regulation 12-16: Refining Emission Limits | |
2016108220 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Consider Waiver of Rent, Penalty, and Interest and Termination and Issuance of a General Lease - Commercial Use - PRC 3637.1 | |
2016108200 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Consider a Compromise Title Settlement Agreement and Land Exchange Agreement Between the California State Lands Commission and Baywood, LLC, A California Limite | |
2016108217 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Acceptance of a Quitclaim Deed and Issuance of a General Lease - Recreational and Protective Structure Use - PRC 5124.1 | |
2016108223 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | General Lease - Recreational Use - PRC 8702.1 | |
2016108203 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Consider Application for a Prospecting Permit for Minerals Other than Oil, Gas, Geothermal Resources, or Sand and Gravel, Assessor's Parcel Number 041-380-01, a | |
2016108214 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Dredging Lease - PRC 7822.9 | |
2016108222 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | General Lease - Recreational Use - PRC 8643.1 | |
2016108202 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Consider Application for a Prospecting Permit for Minerals Other than Oil, Gas, Geothermal Resources, or Sand and Gravel, Assessor's Parcel 097-210-06, Administ | |
2016108208 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | General Lease - Recreational and Protective Structure Use - PRC 7014.1 | |
2016108221 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | General Lease - Recreational Use - PRC 7928.1 | |
2016108224 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | General Lease - Recreational Use - W 26866 | |
2016108201 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Consider Delegation Authority to the Executive Officer to Execute Agreements and Authorize Expenditures from Kapiloff Land Bank Funds for the Management of Bols | |
2016108218 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | General Lease - Recreational Use - PRC 8670.65 | |
2016108212 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | General Lease - Recreational and Protective Structure Use - PRC 7016.1 | |
2016108215 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Rescission of Approval and Issuance of a General Lease - Recreational use - PRC 9257.1 | |
2016108219 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Termination of a Recreational Pier Lease and Issuance of a General Lease - Recreational Use - PRC 8951.1 | |
2016108206 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | General Lease - Recreational and Protective Structure Use - PRC 8244.1 | |
2016108209 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Termination and Issuance of a General Lease - Recreational and Protective Structure use - PRC 5865.1 | |
2016108211 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | General Lease - Recreational and Protective Structure Use - PRC 5754.1 | |
2016108204 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Termination of General Lease - Right-of-Way Easements and Issuance of a General Lease - Right of Way Use - PRC 4024.2,4025.2,4026.2,4027.2 | |
2016108216 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Acceptance of a Lease Quitclaim Deed and Issuance of a General Lease - Public Agency Use - PRC 5275.9 | |
2016108210 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | General Lease - Right of Way Use - PRC 7906.1 | |
2016108213 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Amendment of Lease - PRC 6201.9 | |
2016108207 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | General Lease - Other - PRC 3244.1 | |
2016101049 | NOP | California Department of Transportation, District 7 | Interstate 605 (I-605) Corridor Improvement Project | |
2016072008 | NOD | Fremont Union High School District | Cupertino High School Campus Master Plan Update | |
2016101047 | MND | City of Highland | Smart & Final | |
2016101044 | NOP | City of Hollister | Chappell Road Project | |
2016101046 | NEG | City of Huntington Beach | Sunset Beach Beachfront Flood Requirements | |
2016108199 | NOE | City of Industry | Azusa Avenue Bridge Painting Project | |
2016101048 | MND | Los Angeles County | Recycle City Solid Waste Facility Permit Revision | |
2016101050 | NOP | City of Los Angeles | Los Angeles Trans-Pacific Telecommunications Cable Hub | |
2005071069 | NOD | Metropolitan Water District of Southern California | Whitewater River/Coloardo River Aqueduct SIphon Scour Protection Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2015-0257-R6) | |
2016051013 | NOD | City of Oceanside | Pilgrim Creek Vector Habitat Remediation Project | |
2013082071 | NOD | Reclamation District 787 | RGF Application 31919 to Appropriate Water fromt he Sacramento River & RD 108 Lateral 14A | |
2016032038 | MND | City of Santa Cruz | Santa Cruz Wharf Master Plan | |
2014112016 | MND | Sonoma County | Estero Trail |