Thursday, April 7, 2011
- Received Date
- 2011-04-07
- Edit Search
28 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2007042016 | NOP | Alameda County | Highland Hospital Acute Tower Replacement Project | |
2009102092 | EIR | Butte County | Butte County Mosquito & Vector Control District | |
2011048053 | NOE | California Cultural & Historical Endowment (CCHE) | San Francisco Planning and Urban Research: SPUR Urban Center | |
2011048052 | NOE | California Cultural & Historical Endowment (CCHE) | Bing Kong Tong Phase 1 Stabilization | |
2011048051 | NOE | California Cultural & Historical Endowment (CCHE) | Orange County Archives and History Center | |
2011042021 | MND | California Department of Transportation, District 6 | Sandstone Creek Curve Correction | |
2011042020 | MND | Colusa County | GPA #10-10-1 & TSM #10-10-1 for Dennis, ED #10-71 | |
2011048055 | NOE | Compton Community College District | El Camino College Compton Center Allied Health Project | |
2011042019 | MND | Contra Costa County | Champion Residential Project / County File no. RZ07-3195 & SD07-9167 | |
2011048061 | NOE | Forestry and Fire Protection, Board of | Forest Legacy Program Procedures | |
2011048048 | NOE | City of Fort Bragg | Waterfall Gulch Reservoir Maintenance - Sediment Removal Project | |
2011021003 | NOD | Grossmont Healthcare District | Grossmont Hospital - Proposition 'G' Hospital Improvement Projects | |
2009051097 | FIN | Los Angeles County | Aviation Station Project (TR070853 / RCUPT200900024 / RZCT200900002 / RENVT200900027) | |
2011048049 | NOE | Metropolitan Water District of Southern California | Exchange of up to 9,000 acre-feet of Santa Clara Valley Water District's (SCVWD) 2010 State Water Project | |
2006102041 | NOD | Mono County | Mountain Gate Fishing Access Project | |
2011041025 | NOP | City of Moorpark | Moorpark Civic Center Campus | |
2011048057 | NOE | City of Mount Shasta | 2010 Master Water Plan | |
2011048050 | NOE | City of Mount Shasta | 2010 Master Water Plan | |
2009051072 | NOP | City of Orange | Rio Santiago Project | |
2001092094 | ADM | Placer County | Foresthill Divide Community Plan Settlement Agreement/Amendments (PGPA 20100374) | |
2011048054 | NOE | The Resources Agency | Mountain gate Parkway Acquisitions Project | |
2002121128 | NOD | Riverside County | EIR00450 (Mira Loma Commerce Center), Plot Plan Nos. 16979, 17788, 18875, 18876, 18877 and 18879 | |
2007122013 | EIR | Sacramento County | Stoneridge Quarry General Plan Amendment, Rezone, Use Permit, and Reclamation Plan and Development Agreement | |
2011048045 | NOE | San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transit Authority | Acquisition of Alameda Ferry Vessels and Facilities | |
2011041024 | MND | San Luis Obispo County | Gardner Parcel Map and Conditional Use Permit SUB2007-00055 | |
2011048060 | NOE | Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) | Best Management Practices Retrofit for the Lake Tahoe Basin | |
2011048047 | NOE | Fish & Game #3 | Bootjack Trail and Surface Hydrology Rehabilitation | |
2011048046 | NOE | Fish & Game #4 | Agreement 2010-0171-R4 - Smith Residence Pier and Seawall Replacement |