Tuesday, February 10, 2009
- Received Date
- 2009-02-10
- Edit Search
37 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
1997062121 | NOD | Alpine County | Kirkwood Specific Plan, Alternative E; Kirkwood Specific Plan; Kirkwood Specific Plan - Revised Draft Environmental Impact Report | |
2008091077 | EIR | Town of Apple Valley | Town of Apple Valley General Plan Update and Annexations 2008-01 and 2008-02 | |
2009028103 | NOE | City of Benicia | East 2nd Street Overlay | |
2009028104 | NOE | City of Benicia | Columbus Parkway Overlay | |
2009021029 | NEG | City of Buena Park | City of Buena Park 2008-2014 Housing Element Update | |
2009022028 | MND | California Department of Transportation, District 4 | Solano State Route 12 Shoulder Widening and Clear Recover Zone Project | |
2009021030 | NOP | City of Carlsbad | Bridges at Aviara - EIR 06-01 | |
2009021032 | MND | City of Carpinteria | Costa's Auto Works | |
2009028101 | NOE | Coachella Valley Conservation Commission | NCCP Acquisitions and Sand Dune Ecosystem Conservation | |
2009021027 | MND | City of Corona | Water Reclamation Facility 2-Tertiary Filtration Project | |
2009028095 | NOE | Cuyama Community Services District | Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent Disinfection Project | |
2009028094 | NOE | Cuyama Community Services District | Water Supply Improvements | |
2009022032 | NEG | Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) | Curly Top Virus Control Program | |
2009028093 | NOE | Fort Bragg Unified School District | Fort Bragg High School Modernization & Addition | |
2009021028 | NEG | Greenfield Union School District | Greenfield Union School District-Middle School #4 | |
2009021034 | NEG | Greenfield Union School District | Greenfield Union School District-Crescent Elementary School | |
2009028106 | NOE | City of Holtville | Holt Avenue Street Improvemetn | |
2009022030 | NOP | Humboldt Bay Harbor | Redwood Marine Terminal Multipurpose Terminal Modernization / Long-term Expansion Project | |
2008101156 | NOD | City of Kerman | City of Kerman WWTP Bufkin Reclamation | |
2009028099 | NOE | Metropolitan Water District of Southern California | Emergency Backup Generator Installation at Gene, Iron Mountain, Eagle, and Hinds Pumping Plant, and at Havasu Intake | |
2009028107 | NOE | City of Orinda | Irwin Way Sidewalk, Orinda | |
2009022031 | MND | City of Palo Alto | Foothills Fire Management Plan Update | |
2009022027 | NEG | City of Pleasanton | PUD-77 | |
2009028105 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 1 (North Coast), Santa Rosa | Caltrans, Highway 162, Strom Damage Repair Project | |
2009021033 | NOP | Riverside County | Fred Waring Drive Improvement Project | |
2008112042 | EIR | Sacramento Regional Transit District | DNA Light Rail Transit MOS-1 Project | |
2008071001 | NOD | Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority (SAWPA) | Santa Ana Regional Interceptor Pipeline Reach IV-B | |
2009021031 | NEG | Santa Barbara County | Carpinteria Valley Farms Agricultural Storage Building and polo Field | |
2009022034 | MND | Sutter County | Project #08-038 (A & G Montna Properties L.P.) | |
2009028108 | NOE | California Tahoe Conservancy | Transfer of One Residential Development Right to Placer County APN 95-490-41 (Parson) | |
2009028098 | NOE | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | Electronic Waste Recycling Act - Final Regulations | |
2009028100 | NOE | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), Remedial Action Plan/Interim Action (RAP/IA) | |
2009028092 | NOE | Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District | Common Landowner Transfer of up to 2,000 a.f. of TLBWSD 2009 State Water Project Water to Westlands Water District | |
2009028096 | NOE | California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | Temporary Urgency Change Petition | |
2009022033 | NOP | Yolo County | Granite Esparto Mining and Reclamation Project | |
2009028102 | NOE | Fish & Game #2 | Cable Replacement #30063678 Project | |
2009028097 | NOE | Fish & Game #5 | Bridlewood HOA Arroya Santa Rosa Management |