SCH Number 2008091077

Project Info

LAFCO 3244 - Reorganization to include annexation to the Town of Apple Valley and detachment from County Service Area 70 (Annexation No.. 2019-001)
The reorganization proposal includes annexation to the Town of Apple Valley for the provision of municipal-level services. The reorganization also includes the detachment from County Service Area 70.
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7 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Town of Apple Valley Quantico Pines Apartments II Project (Western Joshua Tree Conservation Act (WJTCA) Incidental Take Permit No. 1927-ITP-2023-015-06 (ITP))
Town of Apple Valley Redwood West Cordova Development
Town of Apple Valley LAFCO 3244 - Reorganization to include annexation to the Town of Apple Valley and detachment from County Service Area 70 (Annexation No.. 2019-001)
Town of Apple Valley Town of Apple Valley General Plan Update and Annexations 2008-01 and 2008-02
Town of Apple Valley Town of Apple Valley General Plan Update and Annexations 2008-01 and 2008-02
Town of Apple Valley Town of Apple Valley General Plan Update and Annexations 2008-01 and 2008-02
Town of Apple Valley Town of Apple Valley General Plan Update and Annexations 2008-01 and 2008-02