Monday, November 8, 2004

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43 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2004052023 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Zapar, Inc (Roessler) Vineyard Timberland Conversion TCP #533
2004118180 Department of General Services (DGS) Skyline Apartments Road Improvements: PG&E Easement to Relocate Existing Guy Stub
2004022013 Modesto Irrigation District MRWTP Phase Two Expansion Project Draft Subsequent EIR
2004021037 California Department of Parks and Recreation Chino Hills State Park Entrance Road
2004112040 City of Fairfield Plaza Oliver
2004071038 City of Santa Paula Santa Paula Water Recycling Facility
2004112037 City and County of San Francisco 1000 16th Street/Daggett Court Project
2004111049 City of San Diego Salk Institute Master Plan
2001101109 City of Anaheim Canyon Hills Manor Project (Wedding Chapel and Banquet Facility)
2004111052 Olivenhain Municipal Water District Santa Fe Valley Pump Station and Offsite Pipelines Project
2004081172 City of La Quinta City of La Quinta Housing Element
2003091130 Port of Long Beach Long Beach LNG Import Terminal
2004091053 City of San Luis Obispo Mariott Hotel
2004118209 California State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) El Corte de Madera Staging Area and Ridge Trail Planning Project
2004111044 City of San Luis Obispo New Bishop Water Storage Tank
2004111050 California City Zone Change 170, Villages Specific Plan Amendment 01-04, Part A General Plan Amendment 03-04
2004112043 City of Lathrop Rieger Property Subdivision Initial Study
2004118186 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland Adoption of Final Site Cleanup Requirements for City of Oakland and Port of Oakland for the property located at former Oakland Army Base
2004119016 Riverside County EIR No. 445 CZ6670 / TR30142
2004118183 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 6 (Lahontan) Star Harbor Dredging
2004111047 City of Bakersfield GPA / ZC 04-1346
2004061103 City of Santa Maria Mixed-Use Ordinance
2004021086 City of Chino Hills Pine Valley Estates at Western Hills
2004111051 University of California San Diego East Campus Graduate Housing
2004118187 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Brockway Summit Best Management Practices Retrofit Project
2004111048 City of Victorville Proposed Tentative Tract TT-04-084
2003081023 University of California 2004 Long Range Development Plan
2003092072 Butte County TSM 03-01, Tentative Subdivision Map
2004112041 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 1 (North Coast), Santa Rosa Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region-Summarizing Existing Antidegradation Objectives
2004118178 California Department of Parks and Recreation Spineflower Habitat Restoration - MacKerricher
2004118184 City of Cathedral City Cathedral City Skate Park
2004118181 California Department of Parks and Recreation Re-open (uncover) Windows and Door in Sonoma Mission
2004112038 Lake County Crimson Ridge Reservoir
2004111045 City of Merced Construction of Well #15
2004111043 Los Angeles County Oak Tree Permit #04-113(3) 1320 Topango Canyon Boulevard
2004118185 California Department of Transportation, District 5 San Luisito Creek Median Barrier
2004119015 Riverside County EA 39235 CZ6860 / PM31447
2004111046 Orange County Irvine Avenue Widening and Improvement Project Mitigated Negative Declaration IP 02-129
2004118182 California Department of Parks and Recreation Right of Entry for East Bay Regional Park District - Round Valley Equestrian
2004051123 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Simulation of Natural Flows in Middle Piru Creek Project
2004118179 California Tahoe Conservancy Transfer of coverage to El Dorado County APN 25-231-10 (Hedley)
2004112036 Crescent City Mary Wilson Parking Lot
2004112039 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Non Time Critical Removal Action, Site 11, Crows Landing