Friday, October 29, 2004

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36 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2004051064 Los Angeles County Wishtoyo Foundation Creek Restoration and Chumash Discovery Center
2004101114 San Luis Obispo County Holland Grading Permit / Minor Use Permit / Lot Line Adjustment / Tentative Tract Map ED03-441
2004101117 San Luis Obispo County Cox Major Grading Permit (PMT2003-03617)
2003102112 City of Alameda Bridgeside Shopping Center Reconstruction
2004071078 California Department of Transportation, District 5 Mission Canyon Safety Project
2004118002 Fish & Game #4 Agreement 2004-0072-R4; Tule River
2004102104 Mono County Pumice Valley Landfill Supplemental / Focused EIR
2004118003 Westside Union School District Sundown Elementary Interim School
1999091142 Imperial Irrigation District Transfer of Water From Imperial Irrigation District, San Diego County Water Authority
2004101123 City of Victorville Proposed Tentative Tract Time Extension TT-02-009(ext)
2004092089 Placer County Highway 65 Self-Storage (EIAQ-3777)
2004102099 City of Oakley Subdivision 8790
2004101120 City of Riverside Tract Map 32270 and Planned Residential Development (P04-0984 and P04-1144)
2003102024 City and County of San Francisco 333 Fremont Street, Case No. 2002.1263E
2004092073 Fish & Game #2 Staten Island Wildlife-Friendly Farming Demonstration
2004102100 Tehama County U.P. #04-31, InEnTec Medical Services, LLC (Louisiana Pacific Corp. Surface Owner)
2004118004 City of Orinda Orinda City Offices
2004101121 City of Victorville Proposed Tentative Tract TT-04-075
1996081045 Cawelo Water District Poso Creek Diversions to Groundwater Storage ;
2004021107 California State Lands Commission Cabrillo Port Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Deepwater Port
2004102103 City of Chico S/PDP 04-13 McKinney Ranch Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map and Planned Development Permit
2004101115 City of Merced The Dominion Annexation to the City of Merced
2004081155 Olivenhain Municipal Water District Olivenhain Municipal Water District 2004 Comprehensive Master Plan Program Environmental Impact Report
2004081009 City of Fullerton St. Jude Medical Center Replacement Plan
2004062140 Placer County Dry Creek Business Park (EIAQ-3809)
2004101118 San Luis Obispo County Baxter Grading Permit PMT 2003-03952
2004101122 City of Victorville General Plan Amendment GPA-04-004(A); Zone Change ZC-04-029; Specific Plan SP-04-002
2004102098 City of Fairfield Red Top Zone II Water Reservoir and Transmission Line
2004101116 City of Solvang Lot 72 Park Master Plan
2004031135 City of Perris City of Perris General Plan Update (General Plan Amendment No. PO1-0185)
2004082101 City of Pittsburg Bancroft Gardens II Residential Subdivision. AP-03-178 (SUBD 8805, DR)
2003072119 Lake County Diamond Mine Vineyard, Phase 2
2004101119 City of Vista Grandview Road 13-Lot Residential Subdivision
2004108441 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Temporary Authorization for Landfill B-19 Berm Liner and Slope - Kettleman Hills Facility
2004101113 City of Victorville Proposed Tentative Tract TT-04-077
2002041129 City of San Diego Canyon Sewer Cleaning Program and Long-Term Sewer Maintenance Program