Tuesday, February 3, 2004

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27 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2004028104 City of Atwater Miscellaneous Project No. 03-3
2004028105 City of Atwater HVAC Installation
2004021012 California State Lands Commission Line 1228 Relocation Project, Bolsa Chica Lowlands
2004028103 California Department of Transportation, District 2 Safety Improvements Shasta 273
2004028148 California Department of Transportation, Headquarters El Dorado U.S. Highway 50 Flashing Beacon
2003122045 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Lassen Lodge Forest Fire Station - Facility Relocation
2004028106 Kern County Lease Agreement
2004021001 City of Monterey Cole House and Duarte Store Project
2004028151 California Department of Parks and Recreation Pomo Canyon Environmental Campground Fencing
2004028150 California Department of Parks and Recreation Parking Lot Up-Grade
2004028136 California Department of Parks and Recreation Day Use Improvements - North Day Use - San Luis Creek
2004028135 California Department of Parks and Recreation Replace Restroom - Wright's Beach
2004021013 Poway Unified School District Reconstruction of Midland Elementary School
2004028003 Sacramento County SRCSD-Dedicated Land Disposal Closure Project For DLDS 1 and 5
2003102086 San Francisco Community College District City College Master Plan: Greenhouse Site Short-Term Use/Construction Mitgation Project
2001091021 San Luis Obispo County Trout Creek Bank Reinforcement
2004021014 San Luis Obispo County Union Pacific Parcel Map CO02-0371/S020247P
2004022014 Santa Clara County New Almaden Trail Reroute and Pedestrian Bridge Replacement
2004028134 California Tahoe Conservancy Acceptance of Five Donation Parcels
2004028133 California Tahoe Conservancy Transfer of Coverage to El Dorado County APN 27-144-25 (Laub0
2004028137 California Tahoe Conservancy Transfer of Two Residential Development Rights to El Dorado County APN 29-031-04 (Merrikh)
2004028132 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Removal Action Work Plan (RAW) for 700 / 702 East Main Street and 701 Caterine Street, Vacaville, Califronia
2003111114 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Non time Critical Removal Action at Site 7, Stations Landvill, Naval Weapons Station, Seal Beach
2004028152 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Explanation of Significant Differences for the Capitol Area Development Agency (CADA) Warehouse Removal Action Workplan
2004021015 Ventura County Conditional Use Permit 5292
2004029002 Yolo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Use of Copper to Control Aquatic Weeds in Irrigation and Stormwater Canals and Ditches
2004028149 Fish & Game #5 Mission Rock Road Debris Removal