Monday, December 29, 2003

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28 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2003128527 Fish & Game #2 Geological Exploration
2003128530 Fish & Game #2 Donner Lake Dam Improvements
2003121159 San Luis Obispo County Congregation Beth David Conditional Use Permit; D020076D
2003128521 Fish & Game #3 Branagh Development Minor Subdivision
2003128524 Fish & Game #2 Pacific Avenue Bridge Seismic Retrofit
1995102053 City of Los Banos City of Los Banos Housing Element Update
1999032077 Humboldt County Association of Governments 2002-04 Regional Transporation Plan for Humboldt County
2003121160 San Luis Obispo County Chevron Remediation Project EIR (D020315D)
2003092063 Del Norte County Brien Walters - RCA Rezone - R0401C
2000102097 City of Yountville Yountville Moble Home Park Flood Wall Barrier Project
2003128522 Fish & Game #3 DBA Sterling Vineyards Pierce's Disease Project
2003122139 Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District Corte Madera Ecological Reserve Tidal Wetlands Restoration Project
2003102076 California State University Board of Trustees Wireless Communication Facility at Humboldt State University
2003128525 Fish & Game #2 Lake of the Pines Drainage Modification and Channel Maintenance
2002112002 Butte County Association of Governments (BCAG) SR 99 Auxiliary Lane Project Between SR 32 & E. 1st Ave., Chico, CA
2003128528 Fish & Game #2 North Fork Mokelumne River Hydro Project Modification
2002091015 City of Santa Barbara Riviera Park Research and Communications Center
2003128531 California State University, Hayward CSU Hayward-Contra Costa Off-Campus Center Telecom Tower
2003128534 California Department of Parks and Recreation Waterbird and Shorebird Survey
2003082125 Sacramento Regional Sanitation District Laguna Interceptor Extension
2003121163 Merced County Association of Governments Merced County Regional Transportation Plan
2003091140 San Luis Obispo County Treated Sewage Sludge/Biosolids Interim Ordinance
2003128535 California Department of Parks and Recreation Acquisition of Easement - California Coastal Trail (Gaviota Segment)
2003128532 Fish & Game #5 San Gabriel Reservoir Sediment Removal
2003121158 Los Angeles County CUP 03-090
2003128529 Fish & Game #2 Clark Lateral Culvert Replacement
2003128523 Fish & Game, Wildlife Conservation Board Tulucay Bank Stabilization
2003128526 Fish & Game #2 Culvert Installation