Wednesday, March 14, 2001
- Received Date
- 2001-03-14
- Edit Search
35 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
200123 | BIA | United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs | Chicken Ranch Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians APN 058-510-04 and 058-550-01 | |
200110 | BIA | United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs | San Manual Band of Mission Indians APN 285-121-333, 285-153-14 | |
1999111074 | NOD | California Department of Transportation, District 7 | HOV Connector from Interstate Route 5 to State Route 14 | |
2001031062 | NEG | California Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources | NW Lost Hills 1-22 | |
2001031059 | NEG | City of Encinitas | Brown Clearing and Open Space Plan | |
2001032064 | NOP | City of Fairfield | Fairfield Comprehensive Amendments to General Plan & Related Documents | |
2001038158 | NOE | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | Santa Clara CDF Ranger Unit Headquaters Replace Auto Shop | |
2000081018 | NOD | City of Fountain Valley | City of Fountain Valley Housing Element | |
2001038157 | NOE | City of Irvine | Solana Apartments Sign Program 47525-SS | |
2001032069 | NOP | City of Livermore | Oaks Business Park | |
2001034002 | EA | National Indian Gaming Commission | Blue Lake Rancheria Management Contract and Casino | |
2001032072 | NEG | City of Palo Alto | Arastradero Preserve Trails Management Plan | |
2001038166 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | New Horsecamp Fire Ring (00/01-1E-21) | |
2001038169 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | USFS - NF Equipment O & M 00/01 | |
2001038170 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | District Office Relocation | |
2001032109 | NEG | Plumas County | 2001 Winter General Plan Amendments | |
2001031061 | NEG | California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) | Montebello Gas Storage Facility Decommissioning and Sale | |
2001038165 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 5 (Central Valley), Sacramento | Conditional Water Quality Certification for U.S. Army Corps of Engineer's Regional General Permit 63 for Repair & Production Activities in Emergency Situations | |
2001038167 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 5 (Central Valley), Sacramento | Conditional Water Quality Certification of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Regional General Permit 63 for Repair & Protection Activities in Emergency Situations | |
1998071056 | EIR | Riverside County | General Plan Amendment No. 451/Specific Plan No. 310/Change of Zone Case No. 6359 | |
2001032066 | NEG | Rocklin Unified School District | Sunset West Elementary School | |
2001031060 | NEG | City of San Bernardino | San Bernardino Retail 1 | |
2000071110 | EIR | San Diego, Port of | Pacific Highway Intermodal Transportation Center | |
2001031063 | NOP | San Luis Obispo County | Woodlands Specific Plan Supplemental EIR (ED00-428) | |
2001032068 | NEG | Santa Clara County | Peters Grading Abatement Permit | |
2001032067 | NEG | Sonoma County | Carneros Business Park | |
2001011093 | FIN | City of Upland | Placement Of Excess State Route 30 Material | |
2001032071 | NEG | Town of Windsor | Billa Enterprises, LLC. | |
2001032070 | NOP | Yuba County | Yuba Foothills Specific Plan (SP/GPA 01-02) | |
2001038164 | NOE | Fish & Game, Wildlife Conservation Board | Knoxville Wildlife Area-Expansion 3 | |
2001038161 | NOE | Fish & Game, Wildlife Conservation Board | Sequan Peak Ecological Preserve, Expansion 3 | |
2001038162 | NOE | Fish & Game, Wildlife Conservation Board | Sequan Peak Ecological Preserve, Expansion 5 | |
2001038159 | NOE | Fish & Game, Wildlife Conservation Board | Sequan Peak Ecological Preserve, Expansion 4 | |
2001038160 | NOE | Fish & Game, Wildlife Conservation Board | Chuckwalla Beach | |
2001038163 | NOE | Fish & Game, Wildlife Conservation Board | Knoxville Wildlife Area-Expansion 2 |