Friday, March 9, 2001
- Received Date
- 2001-03-09
- Edit Search
37 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
1999121118 | NOD | City of Agoura Hills | Temple Beth Haverim | |
2001024002 | FON | United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs | Tuolumne Band of Me-Wuk Indians | |
2000071072 | NOD | Cachuma Operation and Maintenance Board (COMB) | Fish Passage Enhancement to Bedrock Cascade & Chute on Hilton Creek | |
2001032045 | NOP | Central Contra Costa Sanitary District | Effluent Discharge Limit Increase Project | |
2000071019 | SIR | City of Chula Vista | EastLake III Woods and Vistas Replanning Program | |
2001038131 | NOE | California State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) | North Santa Cruz County Feasibility Study | |
2001031034 | NEG | California Energy Commission | Hanford Energy Park (HEP), Application for a Small Power Plant Exemption (00-SPPE-1), Kings County | |
2000111004 | NOD | City of Huntington Beach | Negative Declaration No. 00-09/Conditional Use Permit No. 00-49/Coastal Development Permit No. 00-15 | |
2001032039 | NEG | City of Livermore | CIP Project #00-63, Arroyo Mocho Multi-Use Trail Extension | |
2000121018 | NOD | Los Angeles County | 513 North Main Street Building Demolition | |
2001031038 | NOP | Los Angeles Unified School District | East Valley New High School #2 (Site 4) | |
2001031036 | NEG | City of Los Angeles | Wind Turbine Project at the Fairmont Reservoir | |
2001038130 | NOE | Monterey County | Bixby Ocean Ranch Acquisition | |
2001031032 | NEG | City of Murrieta | Tentative Tract Map 29923; General Plan Amendment, Zone Change | |
2001031033 | NEG | City of Murrieta | Tentative Tract Map 29605, Amendment No. 2, General Plan Amendment, Zone Change | |
2000122100 | NEG | City of Oakdale | City of Oakdale Waste Water Treatment Facility-Phase I Improvements. | |
2001011106 | NOD | Palmdale School District | Desert Pathways at the Yellen Site Special Education Facility | |
2001032042 | NEG | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 1 (North Coast), Santa Rosa | Pepsi Cola Bottling Company Remedial Action Plan | |
2000072033 | NOP | Sacramento County | B.T. Collins Justice Center Expansion | |
2001032044 | NEG | City of Sacramento | Haggin Oaks Bridge Replacement Project- Phase II. CIP #OB51/OB57 | |
1998012046 | NOD | City of Sacramento | Sacramento Recycling and Transfer Station | |
2001031040 | NEG | San Bernardino County | Jack-In-The-Box Restaurant | |
2000111170 | NOD | San Diego County | TPM 20516RPL. Bergener Tentative Parcel Map | |
2001031039 | NOP | San Diego County | Brook Forest Specific Plan | |
1999081129 | NOD | San Diego County | Tech-Bilt Lot Split; TPM 20294, Log No. 97-08-12 | |
2001031041 | NEG | San Diego County | ZAP 00-038 Nextel Poway Creek Cellular Facility | |
2001032040 | EIR | City and County of San Francisco | North Beach Hope VI Housing | |
2001032145 | NOP | City and County of San Francisco | Broadway/Embarcadero Hotel (tiered from 1994123007) | |
2001031037 | NOP | San Luis Obispo County | Vineyard Community Church Development Plan; ED00-321 (D990375D) | |
2001031043 | EIR | Santa Barbara County Flood Control District | Santa Barbara Updated Routine maintenance Program EIR | |
2001031035 | NEG | City of Torrance | Torrance Memorial Medical | |
2001031042 | NEG | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | Removal Action Workplan, Former El Centro | |
2001038128 | NOE | University of California, Berkeley | Shorb House Surge | |
2001038129 | NOE | University of California, Berkeley | 2350 Bowditch Street, Ombuds Tenant Improvements | |
1999102042 | NOD | City of Yreka | Yreka Water Pollution Control Facility Improvements | |
2001032041 | CON | Yuba County | Surface Mining Permit 00-02 (Triangle Engineering) | |
2001038125 | NOE | Fish & Game #5 | Rancho Latigo Trust Erosion Repair |