SCH Number 2001032039

Project Info

CIP Project #00-63, Arroyo Mocho Multi-Use Trail Extension
The City of Livermore proposes to extend the existing Arroyo Mocho Trail that lies within Robertson Park, from where it ends on the north side of the park, east to the Wente Street/Concannon Boulevard undercrossing. The proposed trail extension would direct pedestrian traffic to a single trail, and minimize use of the existing informal trails. The proposed extension would be approximately 1,907 feet in length. The majority of the path and associated grading would be about 10 feet wide with the exception of an approximately 160-foot length that would be 25 feet wide approximately 200 feet east of the western project boundary and a 260-foot length where the graded cross section will be 15 feet wide in the center of the project area.
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City of Livermore CIP Project #00-63, Arroyo Mocho Multi-Use Trail Extension
City of Livermore CIP Project #00-63, Arroyo Mocho Multi-Use Trail Extension