Thursday, April 13, 2000

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22 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2000031044 California Department of State Parks, Division of Boating and Waterways Boating Instruction and Safety Center
2000042038 City of Dixon Hall Park Master Plan
2000042042 City of Dublin Dublin Nissan Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review
2000048086 Hueneme School District Trailside Subdivision Utility Extension
2000048088 Hueneme School District Tice Creek Slope Stabilization
2000048087 Hueneme School District Culvert Replacement associated with Subdivision 8174
2000041056 Inyo County Dehy Park Enchancement Project
2000041058 Kern County Conditional Use Permit #27 Map # 143
1999052061 City of Oakland Broadway/MacArthur/San Pablo Redevelopment Plan
2000048082 California Department of Parks and Recreation Residence 7 heater (99/00-CD-20)
2000048085 California Department of Parks and Recreation Granite Springs Vault Toilet Replacement (99/00-CD-25)
2000048083 California Department of Parks and Recreation Boucher Lookout Interpretive Shelter (99/00-CD-24)
2000048084 California Department of Parks and Recreation Scout Camp Swimming Pool Removal (99/00-CD-23)
2000041057 San Benito County Tentative Subdivision Map 97-61 (Rancho Mai)
2000049015 City of San Jose Ryland Homes, Land of Chelmers Residential Development
1998031150 City of San Juan Capistrano Agreement Regarding Proposed Stream Alteration (SAA R5-2002-0115) for the Construction of the San Juan Hills High School
2000042037 City of San Leandro Merger of Plaza 1 & Plaza 2 Redevelopment Project Areas
2000042041 Solano County Bridge 23C-179 Replacement Project on McCormack Road at the Big Ditch
2000042043 State Water Resources Control Board Water Quality Certification for the Battle Creek Salmon and Steelhead Restoration Project
2000041054 Temecula Valley Unified School District Temecula Valley Unified School District's Proposed High School #3 (Site No. 2)
2000041055 Temecula Valley Unified School District Temecula Valley Unified School District's Proposed Middle School #5 (Site No. 2)
2000042040 Tuolumne County Zone Change (99RZ-028), Tentative Parcel Map 99T-88 (Geissler)