Monday, October 4, 1999

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18 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
1999101008 City of Palmdale Vesting Tentative Tract Map 49016 (Time Extension)/Site Plan- Review 10-95-1 (Major Mod)
1999102010 Town of Windsor Cobblestone Homes, Inc.
1998011026 Port of Long Beach BERTH T121 FACILITY MODIFICATIONS
1994043046 California Department of Transportation, Headquarters PINK HOUSE REALIGNMENT
1999024005 United States Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration California Forest Highway 137 / Wentworth Springs Rd.
1999101006 Los Angeles County Project No. 98187/Tract 52805 (Astoria Estates)
1999109018 City of Santa Clarita Master Case 99-176 (Unified Development Code Amendment 99-004).
1999108007 Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority Liberty Canyon Wildlife Corridor Streambed Restoration
1994093026 California Department of Transportation, Headquarters WIDEN BAYFRONT EXPRESSWAY TO SIX LANES
1999041087 California Department of Transportation, District 6 06-KIN-41-KP 32.2/45.7 (PM 20.0/28.4)
1999108008 Department of Toxic Substances Control Closure Plan for hazardous waste storage and treatment units at Ionization Research Co.
1999101009 San Bernardino County ANLEX GROUP RECLAMATION PLANS
1999102011 City of Stanislaus REZ 99-16-TERRY ANSON, AUTO REPAIR
1999108006 California Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy (SMMC) Chatsworth-Retz and Borowitz Acquisitions
1999108009 Department of Toxic Substances Control HHWVAR990802--Manifest Variance to San Luis Obispo County Integrated Waste Management Authority to Collect and Transport Abandon
1999101007 City of Pacific Grove Lighthouse Ave. Extension Pedestrian Pathway.
1999101010 San Bernardino County Hampton Heights Planned Development
1999102009 Stanislaus County GPA 99-01, REZ 99-01, TM 99-01, 07,08,09; 324-LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION