SCH Number 2021050632

Project Info

Carr Lake Restoration and Park Development
General Plan Amendment 2020-001, Rezone 2020-001, and Site Plan Review 2020-006 The Big Sur Land Trust is proposing to establish and construct a new park and recreational facility located on 73 acres at 618 Sherwood Drive in the Agricultural – Flood Overlay (A-F) Zoning District in the City of Salinas, County of Monterey. The proposed project consists of three (3) separate applications: 1. General Plan Amendment 2020-001 (GPA 2020-001); Request to amend the General Plan Land Use and Circulation Policy Map by modifying the Bernal Street and Kern Street future extensions; 2. Rezone 2020-001 (RZ 2020-001); Request to rezone six (6) parcels consisting of 73 acres from “Agricultural – Flood Overlay (A-F)” to “Parks – Flood Overlay (P – F)”; and 3. Site Plan Review 2020-006 (SPR 2020-006); Request to construct a new park and recreational facility.
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11 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Salinas Carr Lake Restoration and Park Development Project
City of Salinas Carr Lake Restoration and Park Development Project (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS-MON-25589-R4)
City of Salinas Carr Lake Restoration
City of Salinas Carr Lake Restoration and Park Development
City of Salinas Carr Lake Restoration and Park Development Project (California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2022-027-04 (ITP))
City of Salinas Carr Lake Restoration and Park Development Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS-MON-25589-R4)
City of Salinas Carr Lake Restoration and Park Development
City of Salinas Carr Lake Restoration and Park Development
City of Salinas Carr Lake Restoration and Park Development
City of Salinas Carr Lake Restoration and Park Development