SCH Number 2012082004
Project Info
- Title
- North Lane Stormwater Mitigation Project No. 4070
- Description
- The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) has executed Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement number 1600-2012-0168-R3, pursuant to section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project Applicant, City of Orinda as represented by Larence Theis. The Project is limited to the construction of a flood flow bypass culvert consisting of a new upstream headwall, 60 inch - 1,300 foot long underground culvert and a new headwall at the outlet of San Pablo Creek. The existing channel will remain in place. The new culvert will be pre-cast concrete installed by open trenching on the upper 900 foot segment and jack and bore on the lower 310 foot segment. The trench will be cut in the roadway of North Lane and will be a minimum of 8 feet wide and 5.3 feet deep. Following installation the trench will be backfilled and paved. An outfall structure will be paved at the mouth of San Pablo Creek using a reinforced concrete apron, cutoff wall and straight wingwalls. A 20 x 21 foot area of rock slope protection will be placed around the outfall.
3 documents in project