SCH Number 2011072039
Project Info
- Title
- Newman Ridge Project
- Description
- Notes: Response to Comment The proposed project consists of the following two components: 1) the Newman Ridge Quarry; and 2) the Edwin Center North. The Newman Ridge Quarry is an andesite quarry on approximately 278 acres, with operations occurring on approximately 216 acres. The production level of the Quarry is anticipated to be 5 million tons per year, to be extracted over approximately 50 years, depending on market demand. The Edwin Center North site would host various material processing facilities on approximately 141.37 acres, including an aggregate plant, an asphalt concrete (AC) plant, ready-mix concrete plant, an asphalt and concrete recycling plant, and a rail load out facility for finished products, as well as ancillary administration and support facilities (e.g., fuel storage, truck scales, temporary construction trailer). Mining would not occur within the Edwin Center North, which is geographically separate from the Quarry. The railroad load out facility would be located directly off the existing Union Pacific-Ione Branch rail. The majority of material processed at the Edwin Center would be railed to regional markets, rather than trucked, to the regional market.
6 documents in project