SCH Number 2010081037

Project Info

Carmelita Mine & Reclamation Project
Carmelita Resources LLC/Colony Land Company proposes to develop an aggregate mining and processing facility with a 100-year lifespan and maximum yearly production of 1.25 million tons of net saleable materials. The facility will contain an aggregate processing plant, an asphaltic concrete batch plant, a ready-mix concrete batch plant, and a portable concrete/asphalt recycling plant. The areas of the project site that are outside of the mine area boundary will continue to support tree fruit production. Activities at the site will be typical of sand and gravel extraction operations and will be consistent with conventional mining practices.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Fresno County Carmelita Mine, Project No. C-1132202
Fresno County Environmental Impact Report No. 6174 for Carmelita Mine and Reclamation Project, Unclassified Conditional Use Permit No. 3287
Fresno County Carmelita Mine & Reclamation Project
Fresno County Carmelita Mine & Reclamation Project