SCH Number 2006112060

Project Info

Rocklin 60
The 60-acre Rocklin 60 Residential Project is currently proposed to include the construction of 169 residential dwellings. The current project will consist of mass grading, trenching, installing utilities, paving, and construction residential structures. Additional elements of the project include electrical, water, and sewer systems, establishing an 8.26-acre "open space area" within the project site under a perpetual conservation easement, and a 2.8-acre oak tree preserve within the project site.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Rocklin Rocklin 60 Residential Development Project
City of Rocklin Rocklin 60 Residential Subdivision Project
City of Rocklin Rocklin 60 Residential Subdivision Project
City of Rocklin Rocklin 60 Residential Subdivision Project
City of Rocklin Rocklin 60 Residential Subdivision Project