SCH Number 2005121021

Project Info

Downtown Glendale Specific Plan
The purpose of this addendum is to evaluate the potential environmental effects of a proposed mixed-use project proposed for the 0.65 acre site located at 319 N. Central Avenue. The proposed project would include 94 market rate apartments and 1,987 square feet of ground floor retail commercial space.
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6 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Glendale Addendum to the Glendale Downtown Specific Plan (regarding the CVS Mixed-Use Project located at 125 N. Central Avenue and 138 W. Wilson Avenue
City of Glendale Addendum to Final Program EIR
City of Glendale Addendum to the Glendale Downtown Specific Plan (regarding the CVS Mixed-Use Project located at 125 N. Central Avenue and 138 W. Wilson Avenue
City of Glendale EIF No. 2003-18 Glendale Downtown Specific Plan
City of Glendale Downtown Glendale Specific Plan
City of Glendale Downtown Glendale Specific Plan