SCH Number 2003072147

Project Info

East F Street Corridor Specific Plan Amendment Project
Note: Review Per Lead The Applicant, Tesoro Homes, Inc. is proposing a SPA, GPA, Re-Zone, and an amendment to the development agreement (ordinance no. 1204) to allow for a land use amendment, and technical amendments to the East F St Corridor Specific Plan, adopted by the City Council on March 6, 2006. On that date, and prior to the approval of the SP, the City Council also certified the East F St Corridor Specific Plan EIR (hereinafter referred to throughout this document as the "2006 Specific Plan EIR"). The primary land use amendment includes reducing the amount of acreage designated for Low Density Residential and incorporating a new land use designation of general commercial for approx 16 acres located at the northwest corner of East F St and N. Stearns Rd. Other land use amendments include reducing the amount of acreage designated for Medium density residential land uses and increasing the amount of acreage designated for high density residential land uses.
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7 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Oakdale East F Street Corridor Specific Plan Amendment
City of Oakdale East F Street Corridor Specific Plan Amendment Project
City of Oakdale East F Street Corridor Specific Plan
City of Oakdale Trieste Tentative Subdivision Map 10-39
City of Oakdale East F Street Corridor Specific Plan Amendment Project
City of Oakdale East F Street Corridor Specific Plan Amendment Project
City of Oakdale East F Street Corridor Specific Plan Amendment Project