SCH Number 1999092031

Project Info

Coyote Valley Research Park (PDCSH 99-06-053)
The California Department of Fish and Game (DFG) is executing a lake and streambed alteration agreement R3-2000-1041 pursuant to section 1603 of the Fish and Game Code to the project applicant, David A. Taran. The applicant proposes to develop approximately 400 acres of a 688 acre site, with up to 6.6 million square feet of buildings for office, research and development, assembly, light manufacturing, associated infrastructure, parking, and new internal roadways. The project includes the construction of 5 new bridges and widening of an existing bridge and box culvert over Fischer Creek, 5 new storm drain outfalls, 2 improved existing outfalls, a new by-pass channel, and a flood detention basin.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of San Jose Coyote Valley Research Park Planned Development Rezoning
City of San Jose Coyote Valley Research Park Planned Development Rezoning
City of San Jose Coyote Valley Research Park Planned Development Rezoning
City of San Jose Coyote Valley Research Park Planned Development Rezoning