Monday, November 9, 2020

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33 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2020110165 Lake County Clover Creek Bridge (14C-0015) Replacement of First Street; Federal Project No. BRLO-5914
2020110164 California Department of Transportation, District 8 (DOT) Interstate 40 Bridge Scour Mitigation
2020110163 Yuba County Water Agency New Bullards Bar Dam Secondary Spillway
2018012052 Humboldt Bay Harbor Program Environmental Impact Report for Humboldt Bay Sediment Management
2020019055 El Dorado County Transportation Commission (EDCTC) El Dorado County 2020-2040 RTP
2020110162 City of Los Angeles 1800, 1806, 1812, and 1818 Crisler Way Residences Project
2020110161 City of Orange Cannon St and Serrano Ave Intersection Improvements
2020110160 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Tinemaha Dam, No. 6-26
2020110159 Sonoma County UPC18-0050 Sleepy Hollow Farm
2020110158 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Grupe Ranch Training Burn
2020110157 Novato Unified School District Draft Initial Study/MND - Lynwood ES Modernization
2020110156 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Trinity Community Resilience Project (5GG17203)
2020110155 City of Twentynine Palms Twentynine Palms Pioneer Park
2020110154 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Inland Deserts Region 6 (CDFW) Jurupa Road Grade Separation Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2020- 0049-R6)
2020110153 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Trinity Community Protection and Landscape Resilience Project- Phase 2
2020110152 California Department of Transportation, District 4 (DOT) Add and Extend MVP's
2020110151 California Department of Transportation, District 1 (DOT) Blue Lakes Microsurfacing
2020110150 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2020-0110-R1 for THP 1-20-00010 MEN “Castle Gardens”
2020110149 Sacramento County Mutual Housing & Habitat for Humanity at 46th Street
2020110148 City of Chula Vista Sunbow Sectional Planning Area Plan Amendment for the Sunbow II, Phase 3 Project
2020110147 City of Lakeport Lakeport Lakefront Park Project
2019012052 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Bonny Doon Road
2020110146 California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Sonic 2020 1901 Bruin 5650 Masonic Ave
2020110145 California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Sonic 2020 1901 Bruin 5775 Snake Rd
2020110144 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2020-0099-R1 for THP 1-20-00028 MEN “Archer Ranch”
2019012052 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) SHU RPM Pilot Project
2020110143 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2020-0023-R1 for THP 1-19-00224 MEN “Redtail”
2020110142 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2019-0964-R1 for THP 1-19-000216 MEN “Upper Bald Hill”
2020110141 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2019-0961-R1 for THP 1-19-00204 MEN “Mountain Dew”
2020110140 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2019-0907-R1 for THP 1-19-00197 MEN “HooDoo”
2020110139 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2019-0499-R1 for Timber Harvesting Plan (THP) 1-19-00078-HUM
2020110138 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2019-0480-R1 for Timber Harvesting Plan (THP) 1-19-00071-HUM
2020110137 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2019-0166-R1 for Timber Harvesting Plan (THP) 1-19-00030-HUM