Tuesday, October 16, 2007

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24 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2007101084 City of Temecula Ronald Reagan Sports Desiltation Basin Long-term Maintenance Project
2003052054 Humboldt County Samoa Town Master Plan Recirculation Draft 3 Master EIR
2006112141 Tuolumne County Tuolumne County 2006/07 Regional Transportation Plan
2007101078 Riverside County Plot Plan No. 21591
2007108220 United States Army, National Guard Camp San Luis Obispo Stockwater Development
2007081061 City of Adelanto Location and Development Plan 06-07
2007108217 Tehama County Fire Department Mineral Apparatus Bay
2007108221 City of Adelanto Tentative Tract Map 17005 (1st Extension of Time)
2007101079 City of Los Angeles NoHo Artwalk East and West Project
2001042115 California Department of Transportation, District 4 Marin-Sonoma Narrows HOV Widening Project
2007108218 City of San Diego Shri Mandir
2001031126 Monterey County Water Resources Agency Salinas River Channel Maintenance Program
2003042113 City of Lodi Lodi Shopping Center
2000061079 Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) Coachella Valley Multi Species Habitat Conservation Plan & Natural Communities Conservation Plan
2000061079 Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) Coachella Valley Multi Species Habitat Conservation Plan & Natural Communities Conservation Plan
2007108219 City of San Diego Image Duty Free Parking
2007108216 Santa Barbara County Midland School Conservation Easement Acquisition
2007101080 City of El Centro Dogwood Avenue and Interstate 8 Interchange Ramp Widening and Signalization Project
2007061114 City of San Diego 1905 Spindrift Remodel/Addition
2007102091 San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission Altamont Commuter Express Maintenance Facility
2007108222 City of Adelanto Tentative Tract Map 16603 (3rd Extension of Time)
2005121185 City of Clovis Clovis-Herndon Shopping Center Project
2007092029 City of Modesto Kiernan Business Park South FMP/IFP and Mana/Wagner Vesting Tentative Parcel Maps (P-TPM-06-012 and P-TPM-07-007)
2006091004 City of Laguna Hills La Paz Road Improvements at Interstate 5