Wednesday, August 8, 2007
- Received Date
- 2007-08-08
- Edit Search
40 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2007011106 | NOD | California Department of Transportation, District 6 | Wolfsen Road Rehabilitation | |
2006121019 | NOD | California Department of Transportation, District 6 | State Route 41 Auxiliary Lane Construction and Herndon Avenue Off-Ramp Widening | |
1990030006 | NOD | California Department of Transportation, Headquarters | Willits Bypass Project | |
2006091063 | NOD | Clovis Unified School District (CUSD) | Fowler-Los Altos Elementary School | |
2007082040 | NEG | Diablo Water District | Water Line Undercrossing of Dutch Slough at Bethel Island Bridge | |
2007088104 | NOE | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | Mountain Home Conservation Camp - Easement to Residence | |
2007081049 | NEG | City of Fresno | Environmental Assessment No. EA-07-31 | |
2007081047 | NOP | City of Hemet | Emerald Acres/Koby Annexation and Pre-Zoning Action | |
2007082038 | MND | Humboldt County | Kinn Notice of Merger/Lot Line Adjustment/Coastal Development Permit/Conditional Use Permit/Special Permit | |
2007082039 | MND | Humboldt County | Wayne Minor Subdivision | |
2007088094 | NOE | Inyo County | Riverside Bridge Replacement | |
2006081110 | NOD | City of Madera | Commons at Madera Fair - General Plan Amendment, Prezoning and Related Entitlements | |
2005101070 | NOD | City of Madera | Madera Town Center | |
2006061106 | NOD | City of Madera | Gateway Galleria (Formerly Cat 17) - Prezoning | |
2007088089 | NOE | Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District | Thornewood Open Space Preserve Sediment Reduction and Trail Improvements | |
2005112128 | EIR | City of Oakland | Gateway Community Development Project | |
2007081046 | NEG | City of Oceanside | El Camino Executive Center | |
2007041073 | NOD | Oro Loma Water District | Acquisition and Assignment of 4,000 Acre-Feet of Central Valley Project Water from Oro Loma Water District into Westlands Water District | |
2007082041 | MND | Placer County Water Agency | Newcastle Canal Maintenance Project | |
2007088090 | NOE | California Department of Public Health (CDPH) | Arsenic Treatment Facility (Oxidation/Filtration System) | |
2007062033 | NOD | City of Rancho Cordova | Target | |
2007081048 | MND | Riverside County | San Jacinto Animal Shelter | |
2007081050 | MND | Riverside County | New Law Library Facility | |
2007081044 | NEG | San Luis Obispo County | Loperena Minor Use Permit DRC2005-00216 | |
2007081045 | NEG | San Luis Obispo County | Black Minor Use Permit DRC2003-00161 | |
2007088093 | NOE | Siskiyou Joint Community College District | Emergency Services Training Center Building | |
2006021005 | NOD | California State Center Community College District | Fresno City College Historic Old Administration Building Renovation Project | |
1989032824 | NOD | State Route 4 Bypass Authority | State Route 4 Bypass Project in Contra Costa County | |
2007088102 | NOE | Tuolumne County | 04WA-55 and 04RZ-60 | |
2007088096 | NOE | Tuolumne County | Zone Change 04RZ-140 and Williamson Act Contract 04WA-127 | |
2007088101 | NOE | Tuolumne County | 04WA-125 and 04RZ-138 | |
2007088100 | NOE | Tuolumne County | 05WA-97 and 05RZ-95 | |
2007088097 | NOE | Tuolumne County | Zone Change 04RZ-141 and Williamson Act Contract 04WA-128 | |
2007088095 | NOE | Tuolumne County | Site Review Permit SRP06-001, Zone Change RZ07-009 | |
2007088098 | NOE | Tuolumne County | Zone Change 05RZ-50 and Williamson Act Contract 05WA-51 | |
2007088099 | NOE | Tuolumne County | Zone Change 05RZ-106 and Williamson Act Contract 05WA-107 | |
2007084002 | NOI | United States Department of Department of Homeland Security | Future of the Long Range Aids to Navigation (LORAN-C) Program | |
2007081043 | MND | City of Victorville | Tentative Tract PLN07-00076 (Tract 18450) | |
2007088092 | NOE | Fish & Game #4 | Sonora High School - Woods Creek Flood Damage Repair Project, Agreement No. 2007-0022-R4 | |
2007088091 | NOE | Fish & Game #4 | Agreement 2007-0059-R4; Unnamed Tributaries to Chorro Creek; Road Crossings |