SCH Number 2006081110

Project Info

Commons at Madera Fair
The project proposes to annex the entire Fairgrounds site into the City of Madera, and to allow the development of a 35 acre portion of the site with a retail shopping center. Entitlements and applications approved and adopted in support of the project include a general plan amendment, specific plan amendment, prezoning, tentative subdivision map, site plan review, four conditional use permits, and a development agreement. The shopping center, named The Commons at Madera Fair, would ultimately consist of up to 306,500 square feet of retail uses.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Madera Commons at Madera Fair - General Plan Amendment, Prezoning and Related Entitlements
City of Madera Commons at Madera Fair
City of Madera Commons at Madera Fair