Thursday, December 29, 2005

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25 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2005121169 City of Yucaipa Oak Glen Creek Detention / Desilting Basins
2005128399 Fish & Game #4 Agreement 2005-0076-R4; Cottonwood Creek
2004051142 City of Fillmore North Fillmore Specific Plan
2005128400 Fish & Game #4 Agreement 2005-0071-R4: Gooseberry Creek Culvert Installation
2005031131 City of Arcadia Santa Anita Park Specific Plan
2005032093 Grant Joint Union High School District Bell Avenue Joint Use Educational Project
2005121175 Stevinson Water District Programmatic Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Integrated Water Resources Plan
2005122131 City of Sacramento R Street Medical Office Building
2005128397 Fish & Game, Wildlife Conservation Board Montgomery Woods
2005122128 City of Mount Shasta Parcel Map for Gary Pelton, Chee Chang
2005121172 City of Highland PUD Amendments for Planning Areas 28, 39, 40, 42 and 45 Including the Blossom Trails Community at the East Highlands Ranch
2005122132 California Department of Transportation, District 3 El Dorado 49 Roadway Realignment
2005128395 California Department of Parks and Recreation Realignment of the Middle Willows Portion of the Coyote Canyon Trail (05/06-CD-09)
2005128398 California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Leasing of Office Space
2005121173 City of Holtville Holtville-Alamo River Wetlands (AR30) Project
2005121170 City of Alhambra VOC and Nitrate Reduction Plant Cosntruction Project
2003121166 Riverside County Specific Plan No. 335 / Change of Zone No. 6848 / Tentative Parcel Map No. 31645 / Agricultural Preserve No. 919
2005121167 Merced County Antonio Brasil Dairy
2005122130 City of Sacramento Del Paso Park Project
2005128396 Fish & Game #5 Streambeed Alteration Agreement Concerning Agua Caliente Creek, Lake Virginia, and an Unnamed Tributary
2005121168 San Luis Obispo County Yettman Tract Map and Conditional Use Permit ED 05-113
2000052063 Mendocino Coast Recreation and Park District Mendocino Coast Regional Park and Golf Course Project
2005121174 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 4 (Los Angeles) Injection of Calcium Polysulfide to Remediate Hexavelant Chromium in Groundwater and Soil, Torrance
2005121171 City of Santa Maria Santa Maria Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion
2005122127 Butte County Ervin Clark Tentative Parcel Map 05-17