Monday, December 6, 2004

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92 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2003031069 22nd District Agricultural Association, Del Mar Fairgrounds (22nd DAA) 2008 Master Plan, Del Mar Fairgrounds and Horsepark
2003071082 City of Calabasas New Millenium Trails System
2004128040 California Department of Transportation, District 2 Plumas 36 Safety Improvement Project
2004121017 City of Cathedral City City of Cathedral City Soccer Fields Project
2004032090 City of Chico Westside Place Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map and Planned Development Permit S/PDP 03-02
2004128092 California State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) Gobenador Creek Fish Passage Design
2004129010 Colusa County ED #04-47 County of Colusa / Abel Trust
2004129011 Colusa County ED #04-3 Crest Energy Inc.
2004128076 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 951K-33 (030-26368)
2004128052 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Berry & Ewing" 615H (030-26339)
2004128058 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 34WD-BM-26S (030-26360)
2004128072 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 561C1-33 (030-26364)
2004128059 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 565DR2-33 (030-26361)
2004128079 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 915X-34 (030-26362)
2004128056 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 68SW-25R (030-26344)
2004128070 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Section 36" 26 (030-26372)
2004128055 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 77E-25R (030-26343)
2004128064 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Hill" 542B (030-26376)
2004128041 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. H330 (030-26331)
2004128078 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 572N1-33 (030-26370)
2004128075 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 961J-33 (030-26367)
2004128061 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Hill" 522 (030-26373)
2004128044 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. M220 (030-26334)
2004128081 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Jack Hamar" 2-1 (030-26382)
2004128047 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. M260 (030-26337)
2004128053 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Berry & Ewing" 625H (030-26340)
2004128067 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Hill" 541F (030-26379)
2004128073 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 583E1-33 (030-26365)
2004128050 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Section 31D" 595H (030-26342)
2004128077 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 583NR-33 (030-26369)
2004128054 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Berry & Ewing" 635H (030-26341)
2004128074 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 952HR-33 (030-26366)
2004128051 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 18S-32S (030-26345)
2004128071 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 951A-33 (030-26363)
2004128048 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. M270 (030-26338)
2004128066 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Hill" 541D (030-26378)
2004128069 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Section 36" 25 (030-26371)
2004128046 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. M250 (030-26336)
2004128068 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Hill" 541G (030-26380)
2004128045 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. M230 (030-26335)
2004128062 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Hill" 523 (030-26374)
2004128065 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Hill" 542C (030-26377)
2004128042 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. L240 (030-26332)
2004128049 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Tumbador-USL" G-1372 (030-26330)
2004128063 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Hill" 522A (030-26375)
2004128043 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. L250 (030-26333)
2004128080 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. CD-5
2004128057 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. AB-5 (030-26347)
2004128060 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. CD-6I (030-26346)
2004129012 California Energy Commission Sycamore Cogeneration Project
2004122022 City of Eureka Tuluwat Restoration Project
2004102021 City of Fort Bragg Pomo Bluffs Park
2003051046 City of Fresno Old Armenian Town Project
2004122020 Humboldt County Humboldt County Redevelopment Plan
2004101066 City of Laguna Beach Heisler Park Renovation and Preservation
2004071067 City of Mendota H/S Development Annexation / GPA / RZ / VTSM
2004121016 Monterey County PLN030586 - Kilduff
2004128094 Monterey Peninsula Unified School District Alternative Educational Uses at Monte Vista School Site
2004092014 Napa County Use Permit Modification for Schramsberg Cellars
2004062069 Nevada Irrigation District Cole Viet Encasement
2004042138 North Coast County Water District Water Recycling Project
2004122028 Patterson Joint Unified School District Project Site for Possible Future High School
2004122026 City of Redding Clover Creek Subdivision, Unit 4
2000072012 Roseville City School District Antelope High School Project
2004102009 Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency South Sacramento Streams Project
2004128083 Sacramento County Ormsby Variance
2004128086 Sacramento County Aziz and Walker Boundary Line Adjustment
2004128084 Sacramento County Northe Pointe Residential Accessory Dwelling Use Permit
2004128087 Sacramento County Rooney Boundary Line Adjustment
2004128082 Sacramento County 2605 Edison Avenue Boundary Line Adjustment
2004128088 Sacramento County White Residential Accessory Dwelling Use Permit
2004128089 Sacramento County Boyle Residential Accessory Dwelling Use Permit
2004128090 Sacramento County Natomas Basin Conservancy Williamson Act Contract
2004128091 Sacramento County Kingsley Street Boundary Line Adjustment
2004128085 Sacramento County Blanton Residential Accessory Dwelling Use Permit
2004121034 San Bernardino County Ellsworth Motocross
2004122025 City and County of San Francisco 385/399 Fremont Street, Case No. 2002-0449E
2004122024 City of Santa Clara 1490 Lincoln Drive
2002121059 City of Santa Clarita Cross Valley Connector Gap Closure Project: Extension of Newhall Ranch Road from Copper Hill Drive/Rye Canyon Road to I-5
2004122021 Stanislaus County Parcel Map Application No. 2004-32 - Hatmark Ranch
2004122023 Stanislaus County Parcel Map Application No. 2004-31-Patterson Frozen Foods
2004122029 City of Stockton Gateway Shopping Center - General Plan Amendment, Rezoning and Use Permit Project
1996042021 City of Stockton Massie Annexation Project
2004122027 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Site 8 SVE and Biovent System Installation and Work Plan, Beale Air Force Base, California
2004122030 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Laird Remediation
2003082112 City of Truckee Trout Creek Restoration Project
2004128029 University of California, Davis Mutchison Drive Bike Lanes Improvement
2004121015 Ventura County Resource Conservation District Upper Santa Clara River Watershed Arundo and Tamarisk Removal Program
2004121018 City of Victorville JSSite Plan SP-05-003 and Parcel Map PM-05-001
2002092051 Town of Windsor Pruitt Avenue Extension
2004128039 Fish & Game #2 Gravel Removal
2004128038 Fish & Game #2 Star Harbor Maintenance Dredging (1600-2004-0416-R2)