Wednesday, June 9, 2004

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53 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2004068187 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland Revision to Final Site Cleanup Requirements and Rescission of Orders No. 94-064 (as Amended), 98-070, and 91-006, for the United Technologies Corporation proper
2003072108 Del Norte County Del Norte County-Coastal Grading Permit GP 2003-26
2003041105 City of Anaheim General Plan and Zoning Code Update
2004068190 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland Universal Paint Company, et. al. Final Site Cleanup Requirements for 1485-1509 Berger Drive, San Jose, CA
2002124001 California Army National Guard CA Army National Guard Readiness Center, Lancaster, CA
2004052040 City of Scotts Valley Green Hills Alpine Village
2004069043 California State Lands Commission Purchase of temporary easement
2004068181 California Department of Parks and Recreation Austin Creek Residence #6 Repair
2004031138 City of San Diego Camino Ruiz Building Project
2004062047 City of Stockton SOI Amendment
2004068184 Fish & Game #3 Bridge replacement and culvert installation at unnamed tributary to Elkhorn Slough
2004011144 City of Lancaster Western Fox Field Property Development
2004061042 Atwater Elementary School District (AESD) Proposed Atwater Elementary School New Site and Construction, Atwater, Merced County, CA
2004068188 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland Updated Waste Discharge Requirements for the East Canyon Landfill, Benicia, Solano County
1984020113 California State Lands Commission Non-Exclusive Goephysical Survey Permit on Tide and Submerged Lands
2004062045 Port of Sacramento Port of Sacramento A&A Cement Import and Distribution Facility
2004068182 San Mateo County Brisbane Sewer & Manhole Rehabilitation Project
2001021119 California State Lands Commission The Certification of An EIR and the Issuance of a General Lease - Right of Way Use
2003072089 City of South Lake Tahoe Lake Trout Timeshare Project
2004062048 Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency Natomas Setback Levee Land Acquisition Project
2003032063 City of Vacaville Lower Lagoon Valley Project
2004068185 Fish & Game #3 Meadowbrook Bank Repair
1998102084 City of Oakdale Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map 2003-02 (VTSM 03-02[The Vineyard Phase III])
2004061040 Monterey County Zone Change
2004061043 Palm Springs Unified School District University High School
2004068179 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Revised Notice of Exemption on 6/2/04 for the Capitol Area Development Agency (CADA) Warehouse Removal Action Workplan
2002111020 Great Basin Air Pollution Control District Final EIR Owens Valley PM10 Planning Area Demonstration of Attainment SIP - 2003 Rev.
2004068180 Department of General Services (DGS) Tomo-Kahni State Historic Park Acquisition
1991063066 City of Rio Vista Wastewater Treatment Plant Gen
2004061044 City of Lompoc Dugas Parcel Map and Dwelling LOM 536
2004068183 Fish & Game #4 Agreement 2004-0018-R4; Union Pacific Railroad Bridge Replacement
2004061041 Monterey County Avila Subdivision
2002032132 Freeport Regional Water Authority Option Agreement for Acquisition of City Property for Freeport Regional Water Authority Intake Facility and County Property for City Water Supply Project
2003052058 Turlock Irrigation District Westside 115-kV Transmission Line
2004069044 California State Lands Commission Acceptance of an easement and transfer of jurisdiction for right of way
2004069024 Fish and Game (HQ) Environmental Services Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement for Notification #04-0163
2004022037 City of Vallejo Lake Madigan Dam Seismic Retrofit Project
2004061038 City of Mendota Housing Element Update of General Plan
2004068191 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland Adoption of NPDES Permit No. CA0110116, Order No. R2-2004-0036, U.S. Navy, Wastewater Treatment Plant, Treasure Island, San Francisco, CA
2004068274 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland Union Pacific Railroad Bridge 30.06 Martinez Subdivision Repair Project
2002022096 Placer County Transfer of Land Coverage - North Tahoe Self Storage Phase II Project
2004069027 San Diego County Arco Maintenance Facility and Car Wash Grading Permit, L14332, Log No. 02-19-026
2000082146 Sacramento County General Lease - Public Agency Use
2003101106 San Joaquin River Exchange Contractors Water Authority Water Transfer Program for the San Joaquin River Exchange Contractors Water Authority, 2005-2014
2004061039 Coronado Unified School District Early Childhood Development Center / District Education Center
2004068178 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis, Removal Action Workplan, Arsenic Drum Disposal, Parks Site 7
2004069028 San Diego County Spencer Valley Cidery, P98-003, Log No. 98-10-001
2004068189 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland Adoption of Updated Site Cleanup Requirements R2-2004-0030, Sunnyvale Landfill, Sunnyvale, Santa Clara County
2004062046 Alameda County Eden Medical Center Replacement Acute Care Hospital and Ambulatory Care Center Project
2004068192 California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) California Public Utilities Commission Implementation and Enforcement of Logbook Standards for Thermal Powerplants (D.04-05-017)
2004062049 City of Santa Rosa Biosolids Seasonal Storage Facility
2004069042 California State Lands Commission Purchase of Land
2004068186 Fish & Game #3 Clark Hopper Creek Outfall