Tuesday, January 6, 2004

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27 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2003092025 City of Placerville The Ridge at Orchard Hill
2004012020 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Tower Bridge Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements Project
2004012023 Humboldt County Cardoso Tentative Map Subdivision
2004018040 North Highlands Recreation and Park District Computerized Irrigation System
2004018051 North Highlands Recreation and Park District Computerized Irrigation System
2004018054 Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Installation of Gates on Metropolitan Property Near Lake Skinner
2004018048 North Highlands Recreation and Park District Computerized Irrigation System
2003022116 California Department of Parks and Recreation Sonoma Coast State Beach General Plan
2004018052 North Highlands Recreation and Park District Computerized Irrigation System
2004018049 North Highlands Recreation and Park District Computerized Irrigation System
2003052026 City of Placerville Eskaton Village at Spanish Hill
2004018055 California Department of Parks and Recreation Replace Combination Building (Restroom/Showers) at Cole Creek Campground
2004018046 North Highlands Recreation and Park District Computerized Irrigation System
2004018043 North Highlands Recreation and Park District Computerized Irrigation System
2004018044 North Highlands Recreation and Park District Computerized Irrigation System
2004018050 North Highlands Recreation and Park District Computerized Irrigation System
2004018047 North Highlands Recreation and Park District Computerized Irrigation System
2004018038 Goleta Sanitary District Water Quality Certification per Clean Water Act Sec. 401
2004018041 North Highlands Recreation and Park District Computerized Irrigation System
2002041111 California Department of Transportation, District 7 Third Main Track and Seven Grade Separations Project, BNSF
2004018045 North Highlands Recreation and Park District Computerized Irrigation System
2004018042 North Highlands Recreation and Park District Computerized Irrigation System
2004018039 California Department of Transportation Figarden Extension Siding
2004018053 Buckeye Union School District SB50 - Level II Fees
2002012078 City of St. Helena City of St. Helena Comprehensive Flood Protection Project
2004018056 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Soffit and Fascia Repairs, Pearblossom O&M Subcenter - Vehicle Repair and Plant Maintenance Buildings, Warne Powerplant, and Vista Del Lago - Visitor Center
1999061053 San Diego County South Santa Fe Reconstruction Project