Thursday, August 10, 2000

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29 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2000081046 Glendale Community College Cimmarusti/ NASA Science Center
1997122003 Alameda County Water District (ACWD) Niles-Decoto Pipeline Crossing at Alameda Creek Flood Control Channel
1993042004 City of Modesto Conditional Use Permit for AT&T Wireless Services
2000052118 City of Pittsburg San Marco Unit 1, Zones 3 & 4 Water Main Extensions (Alves Property)
2000072023 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Proposed Parking Lot at Bidwell Canyon Campground, Lake Oroville State Recreation Area
1995081014 San Diego County Santa Fe Valley Wastewater Treatment Plant Facility and Wet Weather Storage Reservoir; MUP 99-006; ER 95-08-021
1995052023 Riverside County Eagle Mountian Landfill and Recycling Center
2000088111 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Notice of Exemption for the Sites/Colusa Saddle Dam Site Geologic
2000052113 City of Pittsburg Century Boulevard Storm Drain Relocation
1999091047 Riverside County EIR 414 (Scott Road South Residential Subdivision)
2000081029 Riverside County Specific Plan No. 116, Amendment No. 3 (The Farm), Change of Zone No. 6437, Tentative Tract Map No. 28416, Amended No. 3
2000081032 Kern County Atlantic Oil Wastewater Pipeline
2000021072 California Department of Transportation, District 6 05-MON-1 KP R125.9/R131.2 (PM R 78.20/R 81.50) EA 475700 State Route 1 in the City of Monterery, Seaside and Sand City
2000088125 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) GERA Conservation Easement
2000082071 Sacramento County Sacramento Executive Airport Parking Lot Reconstruction
1997122016 Regents of the University of California UC Davis 1997-98 Major Capital Improvement Projects
2000081030 Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District Las Positas Road Sewer Improvements
2000081033 Los Angeles County Los Angeles County Waterworks District 40, Region 4, Well 4-62 Project
2000088109 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Streambed Alteration to Agreement #00-0435, Little Hatchet Creek, Shasta County.
2000082043 Siskiyou County Soren And Jeanette A. Karlsson Tentative Parcel Map (TPM-00-04)
2000052116 Humboldt County Simpson Timber Company Demolition Coastal Development Permit
2000061044 Southwestern Community College District (SWC ) Southwestern College Parking Lot Expansion / Practice Field
2000088126 Fish & Game #2 Boat Dock Construction
2000021071 California Department of Transportation, District 6 05-MON-1 KP 120.6/R124.5 (PM 74.93/R 77.38) Ea 475600 State Route 1, in the City of Monterey
2000088127 California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Leasing of Office Space
2000081031 Los Angeles County Project No. 00-55
2000088124 Fish & Game #2 Culvert Replacement on Donner Pass Road
2000082044 Siskiyou County Thomas E. and Karen J. Sutter Tentative Parcel Map(TPM-00-03)
2000089031 City of Jackson Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement # R2-365-00 for the Rollingwood Estates Expansion Project