Monday, May 17, 1999

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33 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
1999031110 Antelope Valley Community College Women's Outdoor Physical Education Facilities
1999052058 Central Valley Flood Protection Board Reclamation District 2035 Levee Rehabilitation Project of 1999
1999048445 California State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) Alviso manna Shoreline Access Improvements
1999059011 City of Galt KMS Industrial Park Tentative Parcel Map
1999052052 Humboldt Bay Municipal Water District Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement for Notification #03-00
1999032041 Humboldt County Westhaven Artists & Crafts Cooperative
1999051055 Imperial Irrigation District Plaster City 92 Substation & 92 kV DP-Line Project
1999048449 California Department of Industrial Relations Lease of existing office space
1999048450 California Department of Industrial Relations Lease of existing office space
1999069030 Lake County Paul & Deborah Maloney IS 98-51/PM 98-07
1990011041 City of Lompoc LOMPOC LANDFILL
1999051056 Mariposa County Mariposa Town Pedestrian Improvements
1999051057 Monterey County Carlsen Estates
1999051058 City of Monterey Park Monterey Park Towne Plaza
1999052047 Port of Oakland Tidewater Business Park
1999048437 California Department of Parks and Recreation Archaelogical Site Testing and Stabilization of CA-VEN-! (98/99-A-46)
1999052048 City of Redwood City Homestead Village at Redwood Shores
1999031057 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 4 (Los Angeles) HR Textron Santa Clarita Ground Water Bioremediation
1999048409 California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) Lease of Existing Office Space
1999048480 California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery Minor Waste Tire Facility Permit for Tred Mill Tire Facility, Sacramento Co.
1999021104 Riverside County Riverside County Hazardous Vegetation Abatement Program in the Mountain Communities of Idyllwild, Pine Cove, and Mountain Center
1999031119 Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation Norco Bluffs Stabilization Measures- 1999 Project Design and Mitigation Modification
1996061044 Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation NORCO BLUFFS BANK STABILIZATION MEASURES
1999031054 San Diego County South Fulton Street Affordable Housing Project
1999052053 City of Santa Cruz Amendment to I.G. Industrial Zoning District Regulations and Local Coastal Plan Amendment
1999052054 City of Santa Cruz Amendment to Design Permit Requirements (Case No. 99-122) and Local Coastal Plan Amendment
1999052049 Shasta County Parcel Map 99-08, Ox Yoke Road Development
1999048438 Simi Valley Unified School District Tapo Canyon Property
1999048447 California Tahoe Conservancy Transfer of coverage to El orado County APN 26-044-09 (Smith)
1999048448 California Tahoe Conservancy Transfer of coverage to Eldorado County APN 80-144-32 (Wehner)
1999048451 University of California, Davis 1999 Temporary Parking Facilities
1999052050 City of Weed South Weed Truck & Travel Center
1999052051 Yuba County General Plan Amendment/Change of Zone 99-01