SCH Number 2024091021
Project Info
- Title
- Hickory Street Office to Multi-Family Residential Conversion
- Description
- "General Plan Amendment (Planning Case No. PL23-0190) to amend the General Plan designation from Office (0) to Urban V (U5) to accommodate a residential density of 30 units per acre; Zone Map Amendment (Planning Case No. PL24-0225) to rezone the subject property from Hospital Professional (H-P) to Very High Multifamily Residential (R-5);Master and Precise Development Plan (Planning Case Nos. PL23-0191/PL24-0215) to adopt a Planned Development Zone to permit the conversion of the existing vacant office building into residential units including a density bonus agreement to exceed the maximum permitted density under the proposed General Plan Amendment for a total of 21 dwelling units (20 base units + 1 bonus unit), with 2 of the units being deed-restricted for low-income households; and Design Review Permit (Planning Case Nos. PL24-0229) for the adoption of the Planned Development Zone as required by Article 64 (Design Review)."
2 documents in project