SCH Number 2023090366
Project Info
- Title
- Inland Empire North Logistics Center Apple Valley Project
- Description
- The Draft EIR addresses the potential physical environmental effects of construction of two industrial/warehouse buildings and associated improvements on approximately 178 acres of land. Building 1 would be approximately 1,507,326 square feet while Building 2 would be approximately 1,097,120 square feet. The Project’s associated improvements would include loading docks, truck and vehicle parking, and landscaped areas. The Project would include several improvements to the local circulation system, including improvements to Falchion Road and Outer Highway 15 and the construction of Norco Road and Apple Valley Road, including frontage landscaping and sidewalks, curbs, and gutters. A variety of trees, shrubs, plants, and groundcovers would be planted within the Project frontages to incorporate a layering concept to provide different height trees and border or accent shrubs and low ground cover, as well as within the landscape areas located around the proposed industrial/warehouse buildings and throughout the Project site. The Project would also involve the re-alignment of Apple Valley Road to the eastern Project boundary and off-site improvements to roadways located within the vicinity of the Project. Improvements would occur at Falchion Road from Outer Highway 15 to Apple Valley Road, Norco Street from Outer Highway 15 to Apple Valley Road, Outer Highway 15 between Falchion Road and Norco Street, and Apple Valley Road between Falchion Road and Norco Street. These would be public roads once constructed.
2 documents in project