SCH Number 2023050241

Project Info

Normandie Crossing Specific Plan Project
The Applicant seeks approval of the Normandie Crossing Specific Plan (“NCSP”) (SP #1-21) Project. The Project proposes to establish a maximum allowable development within the 5.3-acre NCSP area of up to 403 dwelling units (DU). The Project proposes to remove all existing onsite structures (approximately 115,424 square feet (SF) of industrial uses) and, in their place, construct up to 403 multi-family DU, including 328 apartment units in one building and 75 townhome units in nine buildings. Overall, the Project proposes approximately 50,493 SF of open spaces, including approximately 20,150 SF of private open space and approximately 30,343 SF of common open space. Vehicular access to the NCSP would be provided by the following four driveways: Driveway 1 from 169th Street west of South Normandie Avenue; Driveway 2 from southbound South Normandie Avenue; Driveway 3 from 170th Street; and Driveway 4 from 169th Street. The seven-story apartment building would be developed on an approximately 2.1-acre portion of the Project site at a density of approximately 155 dwelling units per net acre (DU/net AC). The apartment building would provide a fitness room, approximately 16,400 (50 SF/DU) of private open space, and approximately 22,698 SF of common open space including a dog run, courtyards, outdoor pool, and an open deck. Approximately 399 vehicle parking spaces and 173 bicycle parking spaces are proposed at the apartment building. The three-story townhomes would be developed on an approximately 3.1-acre portion of the Project site at a density of approximately 24 DU/net AC. The townhomes would provide 3,750 SF (50 SF/DU) of private open space and 7,645 SF of common open space including a swimming pool with BBQ and seating areas, a dog park, club house, and paseos with seating areas. The townhomes would provide 160 vehicle parking spaces (150 resident spaces in two-car garages and 10 guest spaces). Additionally, the Project proposes two offsite improvements: approximately 266 linear feet of offsite sidewalk improvements along the south side of 169th Street, just west of the Project site, between Brighton Way and Brighton Avenue; and approximately 830 linear feet of railroad track improvements and various crossing improvements on South Normandie Avenue, pursuant to current CPUC standards and UPRR guidelines.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Gardena Normandie Crossing Specific Plan Project
City of Gardena Normandie Crossing Specific Plan Project
City of Gardena Normandie Crossing Specific Plan Project