SCH Number 2022020004

Project Info

Griswold Residential Project
The project site was a former elementary school. All existing buildings and associated accessory structures associated with the former school, Griswold Elementary, would be demolished. The proposed project includes 68 detached condominium residential units, two common open space areas with landscaping totaling 35,780 square feet, stormwater infrastructure, private driveways and fire lanes, and 179 parking spaces on one multifamily lot. The creation of the multifamily lot to accommodate this condominium development requires a Vesting Tentative Map approval (VTTM No. 83183). The project also includes approximately 231 new trees, an internal five-foot-wide walkway to enhance pedestrian connectivity, and onsite bicycle parking. The private driveways and fire lanes will provide direct access to all residential units. All units are proposed to be two stories high, not to exceed 25 feet high, ranging in size from approximately 1,677 to 2,300 square feet, and include front and rear yards. To the north of the site, there is an existing six-foot-high concrete ("CMU") wall that will remain. The project also includes new six-foot-high CMU walls on the western and eastern boundaries of the project site. There would be interior walls including six-foot-high CMU walls on block edges and 5.5-foot-high vinyl fence between units. The total proposed grading for the project is 196,868 cubic yards (“cy”) including 98,434 cy cut and 98,434 cy fill, which requires Conditional Use Permit (CUP No. RPPL2021005384) because it is over 100,000 cy. The project would also relocate the existing Foothill Transportation bus stop on East San Bernardino Road to the east of the proposed driveway.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning Griswold Residential Project
Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning Griswold Residential Project
Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning Griswold Residential Project