SCH Number 2021120559

Project Info

T.O. Ranch Mixed-Use Multi-Family Residential Redevelopment
The proposed project is located at 325 and 391 Hampshire Road in the City of Thousand Oaks, on the west side of Hampshire Road, north and east side of Foothill Drive, and 540 feet south of Highway 101 on Assessor's Parcel Numbers (APNs) 676-0-150-365, -285, and -375. The 10.97-acre site is currently developed with vacant buildings and a large parking lot. The project would involve demolishing the existing structures, parking lot, landscaping, and vegetation. Approximately 420 mixed-use and multi-family residential units and 15,000 square feet (SF) of restaurant and retail space. A two-story amenity structure of 5,000-SF and outside area would be part of the residential open space.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Thousand Oaks T.O. Ranch Mixed-Use and Multi-Family Residential Redevelopment Project Response Plan
City of Thousand Oaks T.O. Ranch Mixed-Use Multi-Family Residential Redevelopment
City of Thousand Oaks T.O. Ranch Mixed-Use Multi-Family Residential Redevelopment
City of Thousand Oaks T.O. Ranch Mixed-Use Multi-Family Residential Redevelopment
City of Thousand Oaks T.O. Ranch Mixed-Use and Multi-Family Residential Development