SCH Number 2021060397

Project Info

I-15 Industrial Park Project
The project includes construction of two industrial/warehouse buildings on an approximately 96.1 acres of vacant land that is generally located south of Main Street and in between I-15 and U.S. Highway 395. The easternmost building (referred to as "Building 1") would be approximately 1,108,000 square feet and the westernmost building (referred to as "Building 2") would be approximately 742,000 square feet. In total, the project would provide 1,850,000 square feet of industrial/warehouse space; dedicated office space in each building would total up to 20,000 square feet. Other associated Project improvements include loading docks, tractor-trailer stalls, passenger vehicle parking spaces, stormwater detention basins, and landscape area. The Project would involve off-site construction of Sultana Street from the northwest corner of the Building 2 site to Mesa Linda Street as well as the off-site construction of Lassen Road (also currently a dirt road) from the northwestern corner of the Building 2 site to Poplar Street. The Project would also involve the widening of the northbound eastern portion of U.S. Highway 395 along the western frontage of the Building 2 site. Additionally, utility lines would be installed within Sultana Street, Mesa Linda, and Cataba Road.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Hesperia I-15 Industrial Park Site No. 1 Project (Western Joshua Tree Conservation Act (WJTCA) Incidental Take Permit No. 1927-ITP-2023-023-06 (ITP))
City of Hesperia 1-15 Industrial Park Project
City of Hesperia I-15 Industrial Park Project
City of Hesperia I-15 Industrial Park Project
City of Hesperia 1-15 Industrial Park Project