SCH Number 2020099017

Project Info

Kudu Solar Farm by 69SV 8ME LLC
The Kudu Solar Farm Project by 69SV 8ME LLC (project proponent), is a proposed photovoltaic solar facility and energy storage system capable of producing up to 500 MW of alternating current power and 600 MW hours of storage capacity on approximately 1,955.13 acres of privately-owned land. The proposed project would be supported by a 230-kV gen-tie overhead and/or underground generation tie-line (gen-tie) from originating from the Eland substation and terminating at the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power’s Barren Ridge Substation located approximately two miles to the northwest of the project site, or through an upgraded connection through Eland 1. The proposed project intends to share the Eland 1 Solar Project’s gen-tie line and right of way, which will be accomplished by constructing the line conductor capable of supporting both projects. Construction of the gen-tie and substation will be done as part of the Eland 1 Solar Project, consistent with the conditions of approval outlined in that project’s CUP(s). If the proposed project cannot share these facilities, a new gen tie line would be developed within one of the routes previously analyzed in the Eland 1 Solar Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (State Clearinghouse No. 2012011029). The proposed project’s permanent facilities would include solar arrays and inverters, service roads, a power collection system, communication cables, overhead and underground electrical switchyards, project substations, energy storage system(s), and operations and maintenance (O&M) facilities. Implementation of the project as proposed would require: Kern County: a) ZCC 14, Map #152; b) CUP 28, Map #152; and c) GPA 10, Map #152 (Circulation); Nonsummary Vacation of Easements. California City: a) CUP 19-04
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7 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Kern County Kudu Solar Project by 69SV 8ME LLC (California Endangered Species Act (CESA) Incidental Take Permit No. 2081 2022 001 04 (ITP)); Minor Amendment No.1.
Kern County Kudu Solar Project by 69SV 8ME LLC (California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081 2022 001 04 (ITP))
Kern County Kudu Solar Project by 69SV8ME LLC (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS-KER-32570-R4)
Kern County Kudu Solar Farm by 69SV 8ME LLC
Kern County Kudu Solar Farm by 69SV 8ME LLC
Kern County Kudu Solar Farm by 69SV 8ME LLC
Kern County Kudu Solar Farm by 69SV 8ME LLC