SCH Number 2020040323
Project Info
- Title
- North Shore Pipeline Replacement Project
- Description
- The project involves upgrading existing high-pressure natural gas pipeline infrastructure along North Shore Lane, North Shore Drive/State Route 38, and Stanfield Cutoff to increase the pressure and natural gas feed into the Big Bear area for the purpose of meeting existing and future demands. The proposed improvements would involve replacing the existing 6-inch high-pressure steel natural gas pipeline with an 8-inch high-pressure steel natural gas pipeline. Other lateral pipelines would also be upgraded. The existing natural gas pipelines would be abandoned in place and capped off, and new natural gas pipelines would be installed primarily by open trench excavation with some areas installed by horizontal directional drilling. The project would require an Encroachment Permit and Construction Permit from the County of San Bernardino; Encroachment Permit from the U.S. Forest Service and California Department of Transportation; Section 1602 Streambed Alteration Agreement from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife; Construction Permit from the City of Big Bear Lake; and a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Construction General Permit and Waste Discharge Permit from the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board.
3 documents in project