SCH Number 2018072045

Project Info

Avenues Specific Plan
The project applicant proposes the Avenue Specific Plan to serve as a comprehensive land use plan for the development of approx 95 acres. The project proposes a residential neighborhood made up of a mix of residential building types and recreational uses. The ASP would allow for a max of 480 dwelling units and a min of 380 units, for a total density of 4-5 dwelling units per gross acre. Future homes within the ASP would be designed consistent with the architectural standards provided in the Avenues SP Pattern book. The main entry into the plan area would be from Valpico Rd onto Summit Dr, the main street through the plan area.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Tracy Avenues Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map
City of Tracy Avenues Specific Plan
City of Tracy Avenues Specific Plan
City of Tracy Avenues Specific Plan