SCH Number 2018031046

Project Info

Rehabilitation and Expansion of Lenain Water Treatment Plant
The following activities are proposed as part of the project to improve water quality, safety, and security, reliability, and provide flexibility for future Plant expansion. The proposed improvements at the water treatment plant and the adjacent reservoir include a new outlet structure building, an upgraded boat ramp, replacement of inlet structure valves and manhole and replacement of outlet valves, road and pipeline improvements, new electric vehicle charging stations and emergency backup generator, slope and drainage improvements, chemical storage and feed facilities improvements, and site lighting and security improvements.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Anaheim Operation of Lenian WTP Improvement Project (Project)
City of Anaheim Rehabilitation and Expansion of Lenain Water Treatment Plant
City of Anaheim Rehabilitation and Expansion of Lenain Water Treatment Plant
City of Anaheim Rehabilitation and Expansion of Lenain Water Treatment Plant