SCH Number 2017101022
Project Info
- Title
- Point Pinos Coastal Trail Improvement Project
- Description
- The proposed project is development of a 5-ft wide decomposed granite surfaced coastal trail within a natural setting seaward of Ocean View Blvd, along approx. 0.8 mile of coastline, in the city of Pacific Grove. The coastal trail will connect from the existing curb side trail near Acropolis St west to the Great Tidepool site, a distance of approx. 0.8 mile. The project locates the trail outside the 30-year coastal retreat setback line, except where moving the trail beyond this line is constrained by Ocean View Blvd. In these cases, the trail will be along the north side of the road, such as along Crespi Pond. Constructing the trial beyond the setback line will require removal or relocation of many of the existing informal DG parking areas along the shoreline. Another project component is to move parking beyond the 30-year setback line, with a goal to avoid net loss of parking.
3 documents in project