SCH Number 2017012044

Project Info

Upper Guadalupe River Reach 6 Aquatic Habitat Improvement Project
The proposed project would be implemented in two phases, separated by about three years. During phase 1, the district would dewater portions of the Guadalupe River Reach 6 channel during the dry season and place, 1,160 cy of gravel at two river pools. After placement of the gravel, the district would monitor and analyze geomorphic and biological conditions at the project area for about three years or unit a bankfull flow event occurs (recurrence interval = 1.5 years of greater). If the results of the monitoring demonstrate that gravel placement in Reach 6 is sustainable and beneficial to the aquatic habitat, the district would implement phase 2 of the project, which would entail dewatering the river between the Virginia St Bridge and the I-280 crossing, and placing about 3,000 cy in five deep pools.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Santa Clara Valley Water District Upper Guadalupe River Reach 6 Aquatic Habitat Improvement Project - Phase 1 (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2019-0157-R3)
Santa Clara Valley Water District Upper Guadalupe River Reach 6 Aquatic Habitat Improvement Project
Santa Clara Valley Water District Upper Guadalupe River Reach 6 Aquatic Habitat Improvement Project