SCH Number 2016112018

Project Info

Horseshoe Bend Levee Improvement Project
CDFW has executed Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2017-0190-R3, pursuant to section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project Applicant, L. Jeff Butzlaff, Bethel Island Municipal Improvement District (BIMID). BIMID will improve the levee to Bulletin 192-82 standards with a minimum landside slope of 5H:1V, widening the levee crest to a minimum of 22 feet, placing class 2 aggregate base on the levee crest in creation of an all weather road, constructing a clay cutoff wall, installing a blanket drain, or placing sheet piles in order to create and plant a 15 foot waterside bench at station 155+00 to 165+00, and installing new o enhancing existing riprap at station 130+00 to 180+00 as needed.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Mendocino County Pfahler Water Diversion and Stream Crossings Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2018-0509-R1)
Mendocino County Fenton Water Diversion Removal and Stream Crossing Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2018-0638-R1)
Bethel Island Municipal Improvement District (BIMID) Horseshoe Bend Levee Improvement Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2017-0190-R3)
Bethel Island Municipal Improvement District (BIMID) Horseshoe Bend Levee Improvement Project
Bethel Island Municipal Improvement District (BIMID) Horseshoe Bend Levee Improvement Project