SCH Number 2016101008

Project Info

Becker and Legacy Wells Abandonment and Remediation Project
CSLC proposes to abandon and remediate the Becker onshore well on the beach below the bluff at Lookout Park in Summerland, Santa Barbara County. This is a legacy oil well dating back to the 1980s and early 1900s and is known to leak oil. CSLC staff conducted an assessment of the well in fall 2015 (phase 1) and developed an engineering work plan to properly abandon the well, which is phase 2 of the project. The State Lands Commission action is to certify the EIR and approve the implementation of abandoning and remediating legacy wells.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California State Lands Commission (SLC) 651773_Group_CSLC_OG
California State Lands Commission Becker and Legacy Wells Abandonment and Remediation Project
California State Lands Commission Becker and Legacy Wells Abandonment and Remediation Project
California State Lands Commission Becker and Legacy Wells Abandonment and Remediation Project
California State Lands Commission Becker Well Abandonment and Remediation Project