SCH Number 2016081004

Project Info

Downtown Commercial Core Specific Plan Draft Program Environmental Impact Report
The proposed SP establishes the long-term vision with goals and objectives to create a vibrant, cohesive, connected, livable, and memorable city core. The SP is divided into six development areas, establishes permitted uses, development standards, and design criteria regulating/guiding site planning, building design, parking, architectural treatment and circulation improvements. The SP would provide for infill development of approx. 300,000 sf of non-residential and for a residential city-maintained housing bank with a max of 887 new dwelling units that could be requested by potential developers. The project includes a GPA, ZCA, ZC, map revisions, and recision of 5 planned communities and the First Street SP.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Tustin Tustin Downtown Commercial Core Specific Plan (DCCSP)
City of Tustin Downtown Commercial Core Specific Plan Draft Program Environmental Impact Report
City of Tustin Tustin Downtown Commercial Core Specific Plan (DCCSP)