SCH Number 2016052031

Project Info

Supplemental Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration - City of Brentwood - Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase II Expansion Project
As originally proposed, the Project involved construction of a biosolids dryer building and storage silo as a means of producing Class A biosolids, thus facilitating additional uses or disposal methods for the biosolids. The City has since decided to use different technology and place the biosolids drying facilities at a different location. The project modifications consist of the following main components. 1. Installation of a biosolids drying and pyrolysis system (BDPS) outside of the existing footprint of the WWTP. 2. Realignment of a paved connector path to the Marsh Creek trail. 3. Installation of new WWTP perimeter fencing around the BDPS. 4. Tree removal. All project components would be constructed on 4 acres of City-owned property immediately adjacent to the east boundary of the current WWTP footprint.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Brentwood Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase II Expansion Project
City of Brentwood Supplemental Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration - City of Brentwood - Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase II Expansion Project
City of Brentwood Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase 2 Expansion Project (Project); Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) NO. C-06-8095-110
City of Brentwood City of Brentwood - Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase II Expansion Project
City of Brentwood City of Brentwood - Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase II Expansion Project