SCH Number 2016041034

Project Info

Keys Creek Channel Access and Maintenance Project
CDFW has executed Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2016-0111-R5, pursuant to section 1602 of the Fish and GAme Coded to the project applicant, County of San Diego, Dept. of Public Works. The project will construct two access ramps and routinely maintain a portion of Keys Creek immediately upstream of the confluence with the San Luis Rey River. A portion of the project site is a compensatory mitigation area for the Lake Rancho Viejo Development Project (SAA 1600-20004-0157-R5). Two access ramps will be constructed on the west stream bank near the northern and southern termini of the existing concrete low-flow channel. Maintenance activities are described using 5 different tiers of maintenance activities. County engineers will use professional judgment as to the appropriate level of maintenance tier necessary for each maintenance activity based on the estimated accrued sediment in the stream. The project will mitigate project impacts beyond those activities described as Tier 1 as an undermined ratio dependent on the tier of maintenance activities deemed necessary.
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San Diego County Keys Crek Channel Access and Maintenance Project (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2016-0111-R5)
San Diego County Keys Creek Channel Access and Maintenance Project