SCH Number 2016022068

Project Info

Pedro Point Headlands Restoration and Trail Improvement Project
The project is intended to minimize sediment transport to waterways through restoration of areas scarred by past off-road motorcycle use. Restoration would involve the use of erosion and sediment control measures and native landscaping to improve the existing trail network on approx. 32.3 acres at Pedro Point Headlands. The project would involve filling and eliminating gullies and trail scares; reestablishing natural topography and positive drainage; restoring disturbed trails and gullies; propagating and salvaging native plants; and, decommissioning unsafe trail segments.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Mateo County Pedro Point Headlands Restoration and Trail Improvement Project
San Mateo County Pedro Point Headlands Restoration and Trail Improvement Project
San Mateo County Pedro Point Headlands Restoration and Trail Improvement Project
San Mateo County Pedro Point Headlands Restoration and Trail Improvement Project